We the People Demand . . .

We the People are done with the theft of our nation. We the People demand our government get back in their own lanes. Executive branch does not legislate, Congress is not the “bank” or the propaganda machine.

We the People demand . . . to know if Biden is unfit to run the country and/or run for reelection, who is running the country right now? Until we get answers, we demand all decisions for our nation be halted. We do not know who is in charge and/or making decisions, therefore, we do not consent to any new decisions, legislation or government moves of any kind. We the People demand a halt to all government decisions, negotiations, and anything government related.

We the People demand . . . The southern border be closed and the wall completed immediately. We demand the protection of our people.

We the People demand . . . all illegals be rounded up and deported. If they want to come in, come in through the door. Otherwise, they are robbers and thieves. We demand this for the protection of our people.

We the People demand . . . NO illegals vote in our elections. They are not citizens and have zero rights. Period. We demand the rights of the citizens be upheld.

We the People demand . . . the MSM be regulated. If they claim to be the media, they must tell only facts and no opinions. IF they decide to give opinions, they must be clearly labeled as tabloid or propaganda so there is no mistake. We demand the false prophets (MSM) be removed from our nation. Let not one person believe anything the MSM says. Let us see the lies and corruption.

We the People demand . . . our entire military be brought back to our homeland to secure our land until our government can be reformed how God the Creator would have it. Our military is not the police of the world. Bring them back and have them ready for whatever might come to our land.

We the People demand . . . God the Creator and his ways be returned to our homes, churches, schools, government, cities, towns, nation and all our people. We demand prayer to God the Creator, be returned to Congress. We demand a man or woman chosen by God the Creator to be our leader. We the People demand the United States once again be “One Nation under God”.

We the People want . . . God the Creator at the head of our nation. Any government leader who cannot go with that, resign immediately.

Let us pray: Abba, We the People ask that you remove all forms of evil from our land, government, states, cities, towns, communities, families, homes, schools, citizens and anywhere it is found in the United States. We ask that you return and bring good to our nation. We ask that all corrupt leaders resign and/or are removed from office and instead, good people, who walk in your ways, are put in office. Abba, the United States has been stolen by corrupt evil people and principalities. We ask you to help us recover the United States and make it once again a haven for her people, your people. We KNOW We the People are your lost people, hence why we are hated along with Israel. Let those who hate the United States and/or Israel and/or You, be removed from our nation, and especially from any positions of authority. Let them not have any place in the United States anymore forevermore. Bring goodness and prosperity to our land and those who love you.

Abba, We the People are back from sea. We are no longer lost – Jesus Christ your only Son has found and redeemed us. We are no longer slaves. Let “We the People” walk on the water, walk on the sea and have faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Let the United States be redeemed along with her people. Help us to claim what is rightfully ours – freedom in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Let all others be removed. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

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