I’m Not Playing Games Anymore, I’m Surrendering to Jesus

The last five years have been difficult. I love my nation, military and our way of life. I really want it to be the way it was – carefree. I know now it will never be the same. It will only go forward, and I do not think in a good way. I believe we are in for disappointment, hardship, and madness. As I reflect on my feelings, I am reminded of Lot’s wife – she looked back because she didn’t want to let go of what she had and was turned into a pillar of salt for her efforts. I must also move forward and not look back.
I decided to make my life my own. I want to live life based on what I want and not what some influencer says or how social media or the news makes me feel. I want to live in Jesus Christ. What makes me happy and content? Who am I? What can I build and create out of my life? I am the creator of my own life.
I desire to live my life as Jesus taught and commit to live simply, joyfully and full of gratitude. I will seek joy in the small things and be at peace. I know my life can be and is beautiful!
An Invitation
I invite you to join me in this adventure – a quest for peace, kindness, love and simplicity. My adventure includes:
- remaining at peace,
- finding joy in the small things,
- clearing my spaces,
- having gratitude,
- turning off social media and most tech (I will check email and do what I need in order to do my job),
- spending time with family and friends,
- maintaining my home,
- growing my own food (I want a chicken coop so bad),
- cooking my own food,
- being in service to others,
- preparing for whatever might come,
- and most importantly, seek God through Jesus Christ.
I work full time. I have little time after work and what time I do have, I’m mentally exhausted. I intend to be happy, content and joyful where I am. God has given me a beautiful ranch home on a double corner lot. I do have some challenges growing food here due to having a septic field and so many huge trees, but I know it will work!
Letting Go of My Dream – or Am I?
It has been my dream for years and years to own a big piece of land and farm / homestead it. I used t complain to God often and I kept hearing “my grace is sufficient for you”. I wanted that big piece of land to build a big o’l house with a barn and often cried about it. Yea I know, I’m a big baby. I finally asked God why I can’t have my farm and even gave reasons why I wanted it. Almost immediately, I heard that still small voice, “I want you to put your trust in Me.” It didn’t occur to me that I wasn’t trusting in God to take care of us. God made it clear, he didn’t want me trusting in myself or a piece of land. He wants me to trust him – so, I am doing all I can right where God put me – everything else is up to God. He has always protected and provided for me and my family. I intend to heed God’s voice and trust him. So here I go, doing the best I can with what I have! Thank you, Abba, for my blessings.
So, Where to Start?
Since I can’t do everything at the same time, I have chosen two things to begin with as this is a process. First, I will begin to clear my spaces. I had a three-day weekend and already started in my kitchen. I’m cleaning all the cabinets out and purging things I don’t need or want as I go. It is a great feeling to have the extras gone. I enjoy “less is more” – makes me feel at peace and content. I will continue working through my cabinets until it is done. When I get home from work daily, I will work on more cabinets.

The second thing is to begin reading the Bible on a daily basis. Just ten to fifteen minutes in the morning to start my day off – maybe at night too to end my day. I noticed it helps me focus my day and brings me a sense of calm. I’m starting with the New Testament – it’s always best to start with Jesus. I added an alert to my phone for 4:30 a.m. (I’m an early riser) to read the Bible. I need the alert until I get in the habit.
I’m excited to start this new chapter of my life. I’m moving forward and not looking back. I’m making it new, joyful, spirit filled and simple. I see beauty on the horizon. What’s your plan? Reflect on how you can make your life better and make a plan to get there.