If I Were President, I Would . . .

If I were President, I would remind the citizens of the United States not to fear. I would remind them that THEY are the nation and they have the power. Although evil tries to divide us, We the People are one nation under God.

When the United States was created July 4, 1776, via the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble stated our rights come from our Creator (capital C). That means God the Creator. Whether people want to admit and accept it or not, the United States is a Christian nation. Without God the Creator, We the People have no rights and no nation. The Declaration of Independence created the nation. The Constitution created the government. If the government takes the place of God the Creator, we are doomed to the will, rules, laws and dictates of anyone in power – anyone with military might and policing power. I think we can clearly see that in today’s United States. So many important decisions are being made by people (principalities) who are not even voted into positions of authority by the people. I don’t know about you, but I do NOT want anyone except my Father in heaven, my Abba, to rule over me. I belong to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Because we are one nation under God, I would remind people to repent and pray. As President, I would repent for our nation. I would pray that our Father in heaven would forgive us, return to our nation as the head, remove all evil from our people and borders and finally, grant us peace, safety and mercy. It is very important that we repent and pray to Abba. If we are true in heart, love and respect, Abba will heal our land.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

I believe God can and will heal the United States. He will do this for the sake of the repentant. There are many, many things that need to be removed from our nation such as Hollywood, certain music, violence, the “unliving” of the innocent, as well as things that need to be brought back such as prayer in government proceedings and schools, and the 10 Commandments in all courthouses. These might seem impossible, but with repentance and God the Creator (Abba) as the head of the United States, I believe the United States can and will be the nation it was intended to be before it was usurped by evil. The United States is a beacon of hope and light for all.

If I were President, I would ask all people of the United States to pray with me in repentance every day! Let’s change the heart of our nation, our people towards the Father, the Creator of all things. Let us sing the praises of his Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God said he would spare the city of Sodom if only ten righteous people were found there. I believe Abba will do the same with the United States. Please pray and repent with me daily. We CAN make big change if we just pray, repent and change our hearts and minds.

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