
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

STEP ONE – Needed: Prayer Warriors

Saving America. Many people are wondering, what has happened to our world? I ask that question too. The Great Co-Mission does not believe that God left us, we believe we fell away from God. How? We allowed God to be kicked out of our schools, the town square, our neighborhoods, our court houses and especially government. Instead of making God our treasure, we tolerate perversion, mind numbing TV (violence and sin in general – making it appear normal), awful video games (violent, sexual), all-consuming social media of all types, music that encourages sin and even allow God to be mocked. We are a nation of lukewarm Christians – if you can call lukewarm being a Christian. Prayer is needed more than ever in this upside-down world. Jesus has done the hard work we just have to follow in His footsteps and obey His commands.

I think we can all agree the world (including America) has a wickedness problem. The first step to fighting wickedness is prayer and repentance. We as a people and nation MUST get in the habit of praying. We the People should pray throughout each and every day. Doesn’t have to be long and winded – just talk to God. God the Creator should be our focus and first in our minds at all times no matter where we are. This platform helps by helping to create a constant stream of prayers. Set a daily reminder for yourself to pray. Check back here for prayers to pray or better yet, make up your own. At first, I was awkward too. You will get very good at it the more you do it. God doesn’t mind if you’re sloppy or clumsy. He just wants to hear from you. He loves you! My favorite place to talk to God is in my car – but anywhere works. Check out this song by Larry Fleet on YouTube, called Where I Find God.

Prayer – Saving America

Saving America. Before reading the prayer below (feel free to snip it and keep it to pray multiple times), read Revelation 3:15-22 from Bible Gateway before you pray so you see what we are referring to.

After you pray, sing a favorite song. Here is one I love called, Not my Will by Lindy Cofer.

Call to Action – Saving America

Because the Great Co-Mission is a reference website, if YOU are gifted with prayer and are willing to post articles/prayers here on TGCM, email us. In the meantime, I will do my best. Please share this far and wide – EVERYWHERE!

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