Overcome - A Short Story

June 24, 2022

In the Beginning . . .

In the beginning, there was chaos.  Evil attempted to overtake the light.  It almost won – almost.

This is our story.  This is how light defeated the darkness . . .

We were waiting . . . waiting for the one.  We were waiting for the one who would swoop in and save the day.  We kicked back waiting . . .  We watched as evil gained stronger and stronger footholds, more and more ground, and more and more souls.  We observed and complained about the evil deeds, plans and schemes.  We saw it.  We knew what they were doing, but continued to do nothing.  We were lukewarm – we didn’t succumb but we didn’t fight either. We just sat. It got darker and darker, and the hole got deeper and deeper.  Surely someone would fill the gap, step up and save us.

“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.      Revelation 3:15-16